"Time never waits. It delivers all equally to the same end. You, who wish to safeguard the future, however limited it may be[...] Go forth without falter, with your heart as your guide..." -Persona 3

Age 32, Male

Silicon Valley, CA

Joined on 6/15/05

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Next Project

Posted by RPGsrok - December 22nd, 2007

It's official, I'm beginning work on my next project, tentatively titled "Dual Arms: Sides". As I am very early in the planning stages, I don't really have much info to give. It takes place in a folium (world) called Ihrziel, where snow drifts downward from the skies and streams upward from the "Yaethr" beneath the land masses, and centers on a team of Imperial Dual Arms users. It takes place the equivalent of a few weeks before Dual Arms: Precipice, and will not end with so much of a cliffhanger.

I gauge myself at <5% complete now.

(Note: By my scale, percentiles 1-15% are initial planning, 15-20% is voice recording, 20-90% is animation, and 90-100% is final clean up and beta testing)

Here's a conceptual picture I made. I'm not sure how close it'll be to the finished product, but I hope you find it interesting. If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to ask.

Stay Tuned, RPGsrok

Next Project


Cool, cant wait ^_^

Well you'll probably have to wait. This will certainly take awhile. But I guarantee - It will be worth the wait.

Great I loved you work and it would be good to see this one.

I can say that however long this takes, I'll put all my effort into this. I certainly hope it'll turn out well.

Definitely looks interesting, and remember that if you could use my assistance for this project, just let me know. Nice artwork btw, you've got skill man.

Thanks for the offer, but I'm not in need of help at the moment. Glad it looks interesting. As for the artwork, it's just somethin I whipped up in photoshop. Still, I think it captures the feel I'm goin for. Glad you like it.

Never been a fan of your work, and this does look interesting. I'm also making a flash also, hopes it goes alright for you! For sure your series look awesome, mine is just about WW2 and how a man experiences it.

Well anywayz, not to be rude, though you can improve your art, take your time, trust me, if you take your time, things usually looks better, just don't abuse with the time. Looking forward to this!

I assume you refer to my dual arms series when you say bad art, and that you mean animation not art style. I think the art style (colors and so forth) is like the one thing I nailed throughout! I can understand if you think the animation is bad, it is at times. I looked at the story thing you posted, looks interesting, but dude, that'll take a LOOONG time to make. Still, best of luck to you. If you're into story as much as it seems, I think you'll really enjoy this movie. Stay tuned!

Sides sounded like a fantastic project to work on. Ill be looking forward to it so keep me updated on your progress if you want, or want any help at all. But I want to just say, that you should keep Precipice in mind to finish off where you left us hanging alright? Talk to you later. !,,!, (-.-) ,!,,! rock on.

I'll be sure to keep you updated. I'm working on the first draft of the script now, and my friend's getting started on character designs. It's all looking very promising. If anyone else wants me to give you updates on the movie's progress (this main page won't be updated except for MAJOR milestones) please say so! Thx again.

looks awesome and thanks for your advice on final fantasy tenki, for some reason, now i can watch it even though i did the same the previous time and its pretty cool, but just one question, shouldn't every attack with those weather element heal the final boss? Since he does have all those words on him, so he's made up of all element right? Thanks again and can't wait till this project is out =)

Well glad you liked it (especially considering all the people who voted 0's just because it was a parody of a parody. I gave Mouskliks credit!) I had in fact thought of the fact that Caelum (yes, the final boss has a name) could be being healed by the weather attacks... But I think he's just more resistant to them. He has no weaknesses, but no strengths, so the attacks in general just damage him less. =D This project will not be out for some time, but when it is, especially if you're into a good story, it will totally kick ass. Thanks for your patience.